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Faculty & Staff Directory

Principal David Mason

Assistant Principal Candice Johnson

Counselor Tori Walton

Secretary Brena Brown


Jason Allen - MS Studies, World Geography, 7 History, PE, Track, Bus Driver

Emily Nix - Algebra II, SREB Math, Geometry

Cindy Killingsworth- 9-10 English

Kevin Hare - Algebra I

Kari Hooper - 11-12 English, Cyber Foundations I, High Tech Video Production, Yearbook, Media Specialist

Jillena Horner - Librarian, Cyber Foundations II, Volleyball

Michael Johnson - Art, World History, Government, Economics

Taylor McCutchen - U.S. History, PE, Football, Powerlifting

Shane Murphree - Sociology, Psychology, Basketball, Tennis

Nikki Oaks - 7-12 Special Education

Jakob Prater - 7-8 Math, 7 History, PE

Andy Richey - PE, Softball

Kathie Rinehart - Biology I, Chemistry, Genetics

Richie Taylor - Health, Driver's Ed, PE, Baseball, Bus Driver

Sarah Grace Taylor - 7-8 English, College and Career Readiness

Cal Worley - Environmental Science, Plant Science, Principles of Agriculture, Golf, Bus Driver

Devin Woodruff - MS Studies, World Geography, 7-8 Science, Basketball, Bus Driver, Archery

- Career Coach

 - 7-12 Special Education


Lisa Henry - Special Education

Mandy Boren - Special Education Assistant

Lauren Reed - Pre-Kindergarten

 Monica Thornton - Pre-K Assistant

Julie Green - Kindergarten

Hannah Hughes - Kindergarten

Latrisha Godsey - Kindergarten Assistant

Sky Jackson - Pre-K and Kindergarten Special Education

Andrea Boren - 1st Grade

Jenny Woodard - 1st Grade

Ripley Mize - 1st Grade Assistant

Shannon Hyde - 2nd Math

Tena Stewart - 2nd ELA

Madison Wilder - 3-4 ELA

Sarah Spencer - 3-4 Math

Isabella Johnson - 3-4 Science, Social Studies

Matthew Pharr - 5-6 Math

Anna Hearn- 5-6 ELA

Whitney Zackarevicz - 5-6 Science

Sandy Grosinske - 5-6 Social Studies

Susan Bane - Special Education

Valerie Perrigo - Special Education, Bus Driver

Leslie Crowson - Special Education

Emily Pharr - Special Education

Lindy Abel - Speech

Molly Clark - Speech

- Gifted

Amy Harris - Title I Assistant


Kathleen Larsen - Custodian

Keith Fugitt- Maintenance, Bus Driver

Tony Pace - Bus Driver

Linda Pace - Bus Driver

Gayla Michael - Cafeteria

Trish McAnally - Cafeteria

Chelsey Perez - Cafeteria

Ashley Ford - Cafeteria